A Maker’s Equipment List

Jonathan Beri
1 min readApr 18, 2014

I’ve been building up a nice supply of tools and components so I decided it is high-time to build a small workspace in my tiny SF apartment. There were things I knew I still needed but wrestled with some tough choices (like which Oscilloscope to buy.) I wanted either a nice Wishlist on Amazon or at least a great list to start my journey. I found a few decent starting points in the form of video & blogs:

The first link is actually a transcription from +EEVblog /by +Dave Jones (EEVblog is an awesome blog and YouTube channel, you should subscribe.) The second blog /by +Kenneth Finnegan covers more of the components side.

What I couldn’t find is a complete compiled list with links to purchase. So I made one! I put together a simple Amazon Affiliate store called Maker Workbench Equipment List. I merged what I thought made sense and added a bunch of items I think any good Maker workbench would need.

Unfortunately, Amazon doesn’t have the best brands or good low-cost imports. You can use it as a guide. But if you were starting from scratch and bought everything in the store, you would have a sweet Maker setup. The list is also great for kickstarting a hackerspace!

Did I miss something? Let me know in the comments.

./+Jonathan Beri



Jonathan Beri

Maker of Things and seasoned Product guy. WeWork, Particle, Google, Nest. I like electronics, Gelato & my 🐕.